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Four-banked Memory Module


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Four-banked Memory Module

Four Banked Memory is a better representation of a modern memory system. It breaks the memory into multiple banks. The four-cycle, four-banked memory is broken into two Verilog modules, the top level four_bank_mem.v and single banks final_memory.v. All needed files were included in the project tar file.

final_memory.syn.v must be in the same directory as final_memory.v

                        |                   |
      Addr[15:0] >------|   four_bank_mem   |
    DataIn[15:0] >------|                   |
              wr >------|    64KB           |-----> DataOut[15:0]
              rd >------|                   |-----> stall
                        |                   |-----> Busy[3:0]
             clk >------|                   |-----> err
             rst >------|                   |
      createdump >------|                   |


    |            |            |            |            |            |
    | addr       | addr etc   | read data  |            | new addr   |
    | data_in    | OK to any  | available  |            | etc. is    |
    | wr, rd     |*diffferent*|            |            | OK to      |
    | enable     | bank       |            |            | *same*     |
    |            |            |            |            | bank       |
                  <----bank busy; any new request to--->
                       the *same* bank will stall

This figure shows the external interface to the module. Each signal is described in the table.

AddrIn16Provides the address to perform an operation on.
DataInIn16Data to be used on a write.
wrIn1When wr="1", the data on DataIn will be written to Mem[Addr] four cycles after wr is asserted.
data_inIn1When rd="1", the DataOut will show the value of Mem[Addr] two cycles after rd is asserted.
clkIn1Clock signal; rising edge active.
rstIn1Reset signal. When "rst"=1, the memory will load the data from the file "loadfile".
createdumpIn1Write contents of memory to file. Each bank will be written to a different file, named dumpfile_[0-3]. Active on rising edge.
DataOutOut16Two cycles after rd="1", the data at Mem[Addr] will be shown here.
stallOut1Is set to high when the operation requested at the input cannot be completed because the required bank is busy.
BusyOut4Shows the current status of each bank. High means the bank cannot be accessed.
errOut1The error signal is raised on an unaligned access.

This is a byte-aligned, word-addressable 16-bit wide 64K-byte memory.

Requests may be presented every cycle. They will be directed to one of the four banks depending on the least significant 2 bits of the address.

Two requests to the same bank which are closer than cycles N and N+4 will result in the second request not happening, and a "stall" output being generated.

Busy output reflects the current status of each individual bank.

Concurrent read and write not allowed.

On reset, memory loads from file "loadfile_0.img", "loadfile_1.img", "loadfile_2.img", and "loadfile_3.img". Each file supplies every fourth word. (The latest version of the assembler generates these four files.)

 Format of each file:
     <hex data 0>
     <hex data 1>

If input "create_dump" is true on rising clock, contents of memory will be dumped to file "dumpfile_0", "dumpfile_1", etc. Each file will be a dump from location 0 up through the highest location modified by a write in that bank.

Page last modified on February 19, 2016, visited times

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