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Course Calendar

Date Topic Reading Homework assigned Homework due Solutions Project
3-Sep Introduction Ch 1
8-Sep Performance + Benchmarks and Amdhal Law Ch 2.1 - 2.15 HW1 SOLN-HW1
10-Sep Verilog Tutorial (slides above) Skim Ch 2.17 and 2.18
15-Sep Benchmarks and Amdahl Law See slides and cheat sheet
17-Sep Arithmetic & Logic Ch 3 and Appendix B.1-B.6
22-Sep MIPS ISA Ch 3 and Appendix B.1-B.6 HW2 HW1 SOLN-HW2
24-Sep Processor (datapath) Ch 3 and Appendix B.1-B.6
29-Sep Processor (control path) Ch 4.1 - 4.10
1-Oct Processor (pipelining) Ch 4.1 - 4.10 HW3 HW2 SOLN-HW3 Project plan
6-Oct Processor (pipeline hazards) Ch 4.1 - 4.10
8-Oct Processor (pipeline hazards) Ch 4.1 - 4.10
13-Oct Processor (Superscalar) Skim 4.11 and 4.12 Design Review
15-Oct Processor (MIPS R10000) Ch 1.6 - 1.10 HW4 HW3 SOLN-HW4
20-Oct Modern processors
22-Oct In class quiz
27-Oct Cache concepts no reading
29-Oct Cache design Ch 5.1-5.2
3-Nov Cache design Ch 5.3
5-Nov Cache Performance Ch 5.9 Demo 1
10-Nov Virtual memory CH 5.4-5.8 HW5 HW4 SOLN-HW5
12-Nov Main Memory CH 5.4-5.8
17-Nov ECC review ch 5.8
19-Nov IO See ECC handout HW6 HW5 (Nov 23rd) SOLN-HW6 Demo 2 (Nov 23rd)
24-Nov No class Ch 6.1-6.3 Cache FSM turnin
26-Nov No class
1-Dec Advanced Arithmetic Ch 6.4-6.5
3-Dec Parallel processors/shared memory no reading
8-Dec No class no reading
10-Dec No class no reading
15-Dec Cache Demo HW6 Cache Demo

Page last modified on September 17, 2020, visited times

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