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Assignments Handin Instructions

For this semester we will use Canvas.

  • Login to Canvas, locate the page for CS552.
  • Click on "Assignments" tab, locate the corresponding assignment.
  • Submit the file(s) according to instructions below.

Homework 1

  1. Make a folder for each problem (hw1_1, hw1_2, and hw1_3).
  2. Each folder should contain all the Verilog files for that problem. You don't have to turn in your testbench.
  3. Name and signals for the top-level module should be:
    • Problem1: quadmux4_1( InA, InB, InC, InD, S, Out);
    • Problem2: fulladder16( A, B, SUM, CO);
    • Problem3: seqdec_XX(InA, Clk, Reset, Out) where XX is the sequence in hex that your module will detect (85, 97...).
  4. Tar these 3 folders to hw1.tar [example: tar cvf hw1.tar hw1_1 hw1_2 hw1_3]
  5. Submit only the hw1.tar file to Canvas.

Homework 2

  1. Make sure you have two folders for the first two problems (hw2_1 and hw2_2).
  2. Each folder must contain all the Verilog files for that problem. You may need to have copies of some files in each directory.
  3. Tar these 2 folders to hw2.tar [example: tar cvf hw2.tar hw2_1 hw2_2]
  4. Submit only the hw2.tar file to Canvas.

Homework 3

  1. Make sure you have three folders for the first three problems (hw3_1, hw3_2, and hw3_3).
  2. Each folder must contain all the Verilog files for the respective problem. You may need to have copies of some files in each directory.
    • Please double-check that you have your synthesis output folder synth/ for your bypassing rf in hw3_3/.
  3. Tar these folders to hw3.tar [example: tar cvf hw3.tar hw3_1 hw3_2 hw3_3]
  4. Submit only the hw3.tar file to Canvas.

Homework 4

  1. Make sure you have three folders for the first three problems (hw4_1, hw4_2, and hw4_3).
    • Problem 1 folder must contain all the Verilog files for this problem.
    • Problem 2 folder must contain a folder synth/, which contains synthesis outputs for the FIFO.
    • Problem 3 folder directly contains a bunch of .asm files.
  2. Tar all three folders into hw4.tar [example: tar cvf hw4.tar hw4_1 hw4_2 hw4_3]
  3. Submit only the hw4.tar file to Canvas.

Homework 5

  1. Make sure you have two folders for the first two problems (hw5_1 and hw5_2).
  2. Tar these folders to hw5.tar [example: tar cvf hw5.tar hw5_1 hw5_2]
  3. Submit only the hw5.tar file to Canvas.

Project Demo #1

  1. Submit a single demo1.tar to Canvas, containing the following directories [example: tar cvf demo1.tar verilog summary synthesis]
    • verilog/: containing all Verilog files. Please copy over ALL necessary files, your processor should be able to compile and run with files from this directory alone.
    • synthesis/: the synthesis outputs - area, cell, timing, etc. Copy all of the contents of the synth/ directory created by the synthesis script.
    • summary/: containing the 6 summary.log files.

Project Demo #2

  1. Submit a single demo2.tar to Canvas, containing the following directories [example: tar cvf demo2.tar verilog verification synthesis]
    • verilog/: containing all Verilog files. Please copy over ALL necessary files, your processor should be able to compile and run with files from this directory alone.
    • synthesis/: the synthesis outputs - area, cell, timing, etc. Copy all of the contents of the synth/ directory created by the synthesis script.
    • verification/:
      • verification/mytests/: assembly (.asm) files, additional tests that you have written.
      • verification/results/: containing all the 8 summary.log files.
      • verification/instruction_timeline.pdf: the timeline you have created for the retiring instructions of perf-test-dep-ldst.asm.

Project Cache Demo

  1. A state diagram of your cache controller is due several weeks before the cache demo.
    • Please also include your diagram in your final submission, e.g., cache_control_fsm.pdf. Put it at the same level as your cache_xxx/ folders.
  2. For each version of the cache:
    • cache_xxx/verilog/: please include ALL Verilog files required to run your design.
    • cache_xxx/verification/: put the trace files named *.addr used to verify each version of the cache in the respective verification directory.
    • cache_xxx/synthesis/: synthesis outputs. Copy all of the contents of the synth/ directory created by the synthesis script.
  3. Tar the cache directories into cache_demo.tar [example: tar cvf cache_demo.tar cache_assoc cache_direct cache_control_fsm.pdf]
  4. Submit a single cache_demo.tar file to Canvas.

Page last modified on October 03, 2020, visited times

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